Retirement and pensions

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Pension reliefs are now much lower than in previous years. Are you providing adequately for your retirement?

Pension changes

Changes over the last 10 years have radically changed the pension rules and savings potential.

Planning for retirement

What does a comfortable retirement look like and can you improve what you will retire on?

Stakeholder pensions

Stakeholder pension schemes are low-cost pensions meant for people without existing private pension arrangements. They were originally targeted at people who earn more than £10,000 a year and who cannot join an occupational pension scheme. They have, however, turned out to have much broader appeal.

Pension contributions and tax relief

There are limits on how much can be invested in a pension scheme before a tax charge is payable.

Qualifying for a state pension

The Government has changed the age rules for qualification for the state pension.

State pension deferral

State pension deferral is the right to defer entitlement to the state pension. In return for deferring for a period of at least nine weeks, the resulting pension increases by 1% for every nine weeks’ deferral, an approximate annual rate of 5.8%.

Pension credit

Details of pension credits for the current year.
Alan Red